Friday, June 12, 2009

Indian Gender Biased Laws

I am starting this blog to draw attention to a growing menace, lop-sided gender biased laws in India. These laws are like a blot on the Indian society as a whole. On a worrisome note, more such new laws are being created. This will create mess in the Indian society. Leading the charge is 498A.

The so-called feminist (aka feminazis) are creating havoc in India. Most of these feminazis have had a troubled relationship and are mentally sick. They are very good in blowing out any event. Women empowerment is mistaken with harassing straightforward husbands. The sadistic pleasure taken in harassing husbands, is the feminazis ultimate goal.

1 comment:

  1. Today's women need good education sadly they are receiving ill-education through all means of media.

    Today's women has lost the RESPECT in society.

    Today's women need WELL EDUCATION rather than Gender Biased Laws.

    Using Law, no can gain the RESPECT and PEACE OF MIND.
